It sucks to spend an hour and a half building up a base only to realize that there's no one to fight. This means that you'll install the map, start playing it and start to wonder why computer opponents aren't coming at you. You can just extract it into the proper directory.Oh yeah, in case you don't know, some maps don't contain AI. Extract folder contents into said folder.Also remember that plain vanilla C&C maps aren't compatible with the Zero Hour game and vice versa.I had the same trouble you did a couple of years ago and when I finally figured it out I installed around 150 maps for Zero Hour.Once you get it figured out, let me know and I'll zip up the whole damned lot for you and shoot it your way. Then make a folder named exactly what the.map is named (except for the extension). It will end up named 'Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour Data' (for Zero Hour, of course).But, if I recall correctly, you have to make a directory called Maps under the aforementioned directory. They (custom map.tga's) go into the same directory that the.map files are located.I've changed the default location of MyDocuments from the original install, so I forget which directory they go into. 1606 Zero Hour Skirmish Mapsĭid that, didn't work.I must be missing something and I'm too dense to figure it out.help? The.tga files don't go into their own directory. None of the custom maps had any directions on them other than 'drop in the directory'. They won't show up as playable maps on the list. I downloaded the maps, put the tga and map files in what appeared to be the appropriate directories. Feeling stupid I guess:Can someone direct me on how to 'install' afermarket/custom maps in C&C Generals:ZH. Hey there: Probably a stupid question, but I'm having trouble finding how to do this. How To Download Command And Conquer Maps.